pilight2mqtt passes messages between pilight and any mqtt broker. What it does is basically talk to the pilight API and broker between an MQTT channel and pilight that way.


The following video gives an impression of how it works. I’m using the awesome mqtt-spy to send MQTT messages, in case you are wondering.

pilight2mqtt is written in python, using paho-mqtt for the MQTT part, which makes things fairly easy. The idea is to eventually install this as a service on my Raspberry Pi and transfer messages that way.

Sources are available in the pilight2mqtt project on GitHub. There is also a Travis-CI project that builds automatically.


python setup.py install
pilight2mqtt --help

Parameters for pilight2mqtt are really not that many

> python -m pilight2mqtt --help
usage: __main__.py [-h] [--version] [--mqtt-server MQTT_SERVER]
                   [--mqtt-port MQTT_PORT] [--mqtt-topic MQTT_TOPIC]
                   [--pilight-server PILIGHT_SERVER]
                   [--pilight-port PILIGHT_PORT] [--debug] [--verbose]
                   [--pid-file path_to_pid_file]

pilight2mqtt: Translate pilight events to MQTT.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --mqtt-server MQTT_SERVER
                        Address of the MQTT server to talk to.
  --mqtt-port MQTT_PORT
                        Port of the MQTT server to talk to.
  --mqtt-topic MQTT_TOPIC
                        MQTT topic to use.
  --pilight-server PILIGHT_SERVER
                        Set the address of the pilight server to use. If not
                        specified will try to auto discover
  --pilight-port PILIGHT_PORT
                        Port of the pilight server. Only used when pilight-
                        server is also specified
  --debug               Start pilight2mqtt in debug mode
  --verbose             Start pilight2mqtt in verbose mode
  --pid-file path_to_pid_file
                        Path to PID file useful for running as daemon

ToDo list

  • improve build & test infrastructure
  • write tests
  • support for DHT11 sensor
  • support for other stuff I missed in the initial version
