Technologie 💻 und Gadgets 🎮 🤖 für die ganze Familie. Kann Spuren von Spielzeug 🕹️ 🃏 enthalten.
Dad on Tech is my pet project of late. At I publish articles (in German, oddly enough) about technology, gadgets, smart home, toys and anything that catches my eye, really. I use it as my outlet for talking about all the things I like to play with, that I do not find a good place to talk about otherwise (so also not on my blog here)
The page is built using Hugo and the theme based on geeky-hugo, albeit with some modifications. In particular I added some code to support the GDPR as best as I could based on Klaro.
The site gets built using a github pipeline with the hugo action from peaceiris. At some point I tried to content manage everything with and then also using netlify-cms but did not like either very much. I am now using simple vscode with the frontmatter addon, which is kind of nice.
For the record, I like hugo a lot better than Jekyll and may eventually switch also to use it.