First of all, Happy New Year! I thought I’d start this year with an attempt at being more active again here on my blog. So this is it. :)
I was trying to control my Synology DS212 directly through my CCU2 such that I could power it on and off by pressing a button on a wall-mounted Homematic IP six-way switch.
CUx-Daemon prooves to be the swiss-army knife when it comes to these things in the Homematic universe. Configuring the virtual switch was a bit tricky, though, so I will briefly explain how to do it here. I will not go into the details of installing CUxd, though.
As for configuration, I ended up creating a new Switch through the CUxd interface, e.g. http://homematic-ccu2/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=4.
It’s a system switch, type exec and use a virtual switch, set to switch mode - this allows me to trigger actions and capture state with a single virtual device.
I then configured the device to only have one channel and report as unreachable if any of the commands returns any error.
Now comes the tricky bit - the actual channel settings.
CMD_SHORT is executed when the switch is turned off. It essentially logs into the diskstation and executes poweroff
. This
requires root access, hence the need to echo
the admin password to sudo
/usr/bin/ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null' -i /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key admin@diskstation 'echo XXXXXXXX | sudo -S poweroff'
CMD_LONG is executed when the switch is turned on. This simply uses ether-wake
, obviosuly you want to provide to correct MAC.
/usr/local/addons/cuxd/extra/ether-wake 00:11:XX:XX:XX:XX
Set timeout for execution of each of these to one minute.
Run the command in CMD_TIMER every 15 seconds.
This one took me a while to figure out. For some reason the webui does not like a couple of characters to be put into the input boxes. Specifically the equal sign (=) leads to the field being empty or partial. I was able to work around this by url-encoding the http call to set the switch state - maybe there is a more elegant solution, but this works.
To still explain a bit more, when the switch is set to on/off via the web interface that sets the state, but that state has nothing to do with the actual state of the diskstation. So I use ping to check if it is up. Then I call SET_STATE of the virtual button (CUX2801003) with the (inverted) result of that ping command. SET_STATE modifies the button state without triggering a switch action, i.e. by doing SET_STATE to on that does not execute ether-wake but just modified button state.
! ping -q -c 1 diskstation; wget -q -O /dev/null http://homematic-ccu2:8181/cuxd.exe?x%3Ddom.GetObject%28%22CUxD.CUX2801003%3A1.SET_STATE%22%29.State%28$?%29
That, in short, summarizes what I did. It does work quite well now and I am happy with it.
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