For one reason or another Jenkins sometimes gets stuck when polling SCM (which is, apparently, a known issue, cf [JENKINS-5413] SCM polling getting hung - Jenkins JIRA).

This can lead to a variety of problems.

For us, some pipelines simply would not run anymore automatically.

To get rid of the hanging polling jobs, I came up the following Groovy System Script (note the “system” part). You can simply add this to a freestyle job and run at regular intervals or via the script console of the master (Manage Jenkins -> Script Console)

import hudson.model.Hudson
import hudson.model.Hudson
import hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger

now_ms = new Date().getTime()
hour_ms = 1000 * 60 * 60
// 6 hours
threshold = 6 * hour_ms 

SCM_TRIGGER_DESCRIPTOR = Hudson.instance.getDescriptorOrDie(SCMTrigger.class)
runners =  SCM_TRIGGER_DESCRIPTOR.getRunners()
runners.each() { it ->
  def tgt_name =
  def dur = now_ms - it.startTime
  println tgt_name + ' running for ' + it.duration
  if(dur > threshold) { 
    tgt = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet().find() { item ->
      item.getName().contains("SCM polling") && item.getName().contains(tgt_name)
    if (tgt) {
      println '-- stuck in polling, canceling '
      println '---> ' + tgt
    } else {
      println '-- not stuck in polling '
  } else {
    println '-- below threshold '
  println '---'


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