Creating many-to-many relationships in Grails is quite simple. It is also possible to have multiple many-to-many relationships in a single class, but for some reason I found little documentation on how to do this. It is actually quite simple once you know how to and pretty much comes down to syntactic sugar, so to speak. Read more after the break.

Let’s assume you wanted to model two distinct domain classes which both can have Tags.

Many-to-Many UML Diagram

Now, the owning side of the relationship should be the DomainClass1 and DomainClass2 respectively.

Your domain class code would look something like this:

class DomainClass1 {
  static hasMany = [
    tags: Tag
  static mappedBy = [
    tags: "domainClass1s"

class DomainClass2 {
  static hasMany = [
    tags: Tag
  static mappedBy = [
    tags: "domainClass2s"

Next, you need to define the Tag class:

class Tag {

  String value

  static hasMany = [
    domainClass1s: DomainClass1,
    domainClass2s: DomainClass2

  static mappedBy = [
    domainClass1s: "tags",
    domainClass2s: "tags"

  static belongsTo = [
    DomainClass1, DomainClass1

  static constraints = {

  @Override public String toString() {
    return value

The part that is rarely documented online is the belongsTo statement.

static belongsTo = [
  DomainClass1, DomainClass1

This tells groovy the owners are DomainClass1 and DomainClass2. You’re done. Pretty simple, isn’t it? Hope this helps someone.


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